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Economic policy workshop on Latin America-China relations

Essay Contest

To foster the study and interest of Latin America-China relations in the context of a changing
world economic structure, the Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD) from Columbia University
will join Southwestern University of Science and Technology from China to conduct an annual
economic policy workshop in China. The launch workshop will take place on August 27th and
28th in Chengdu, China. Eight young scholars interested in Latin America-China economic
issues will join senior scholars to participate in discussions and present relevant research/papers
at the workshop.


Qualified postdocs, PhD students, young professionals (with the minimum of a master’s degree)
majoring in economics, political science and public policy are encouraged to apply. We will
give special consideration to candidates with Latin American or Chinese citizenship who studies
relevant issues. Boarding and economy-class roundtrip tickets will be offered. Candidates also
have the option of joining a month-long all-paid residency at Southwestern University of Science
and Technology after the workshop.

To apply, please submit a one-page cover letter indicating your interest in the workshop, onepage
resume listing relevant academic/work experience, two reference letters sent directly by
your referees by email and a paper of relevance with the maximum length of twenty pages
(double spaced, not including index and bibliography) on a topic based on our 2015 program
(please see below for the full list). You can submit either academic or policy papers with a title
relevant to any of seven panels for the 2015 program. All documents must be submitted to
ipdlacchina@gmail.com by April 6th 2015. We will notify you with a decision by April 30th 2015.
Selected candidates must RSVP within two days of notification or their reward will be
transferred to another suitable candidate.

Session 1: Current Landscape of LAC-China Economic Relations: Strengthening the
Economic Relationship and Improving Knowledge-sharing
This session will focus on current development priorities for development banks and importexport
banks. Additionally, it will introduce Chinese perspectives and experiences in dealing
with large foreign reserves.

Session 2: Implications of Structural changes in the Chinese Economy for Trade and FDI
to and from Latin America
his session will focus on Chinese restructuring of demand and its impact for LAC countries,
ultimately arriving at suggestions for policy changes.

Session 3: Implications of Structural changes in the Chinese economy for Non-FDI Capital
Flows to and from Latin America
This session will focus on structural changes from possible capital account liberalization to
capital account management. Additionally, participants will discuss the impact of other topics—
the growing role of Yuan in trade flows; BRICS Bank; and commercial bank portfolio flows
from individual riches—on future LAC-China relations

Session 4: Beyond Resources — Diversification and Sustainability of LAC-China Trade
Relations for the Long Run
This session will be structured as a debate. We will invite young scholars and politicians with
experience in energy and economics to present new research on making Chinese investment in
LAC sustainable and socially responsible

Session 5: Economic Barriers to More Efficient LAC-China Investment Relations
Speakers in this session will talk about the different challenges facing LAC-China’s growth
models as well as economic transitions. The discussion will outline possibilities for further
studying and understanding these growth differences and trade imbalances with the aim of
pursuing joint prosperity in economic development.

Session 6: Role of Technology in Driving Development and the Implications of Intellectual
Property Rights
Speakers in this session will talk about the rise of technology manufacturing in LAC and the
difficulties in maintaining it. Chinese experiences from rapid development of technologymanufacturing
clusters will be discussed, as well as future challenges for LAC developing this

Session 7: The Future of LAC-China Relations — Is BRICS Bank the Solution for all?
In this session, speakers will debate the rise of the BRICS bank, its potential role in LAC-China
relations, while also presenting the challenges for future multilateralism for developing countries.

Selection Committee:

Professor Jose Antonio Ocampo, Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD), Columbia University
Professor Kevin Gallagher, Global Economic Governance Initiative (CEGI), Boston University
Dr. Martin Guzman, Columbia Business School

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